To all units/offices who will prepare their PPMPs for Common-Use Supplies from PS-DBM, and for Non-Catalog Request, please consider the following reminders:
• Prepare separate PPMPs per fund per unit for:
1) Common-Use Supplies (PS-DBM) per fund; and
2) Non-Catalog Request per fund
• Items that does not require Purchase Request preparation and therefore should not be included in the PPMP are the following:
1) Travel Expenses (TEV)
2) Communication Expenses (landline telephone, and mobile post-paid plans)
3) Fuel Expenses (gasoline, diesel, etc.)
4) Utility Expenses (electricity and water)
5) Garbage Fee
6) Registration Fees including Vehicle Registration, and Registration Fees for Trainings, Conventions, Conferences, etc.
7) Insurance Expenses including GSIS Vehicle Insurance
8) Internet Subscription
9) Cable Expenses
10) Expenses for Individual Contract of Services (ICS)
• Equipment Outlay items with Php15,000.00 and above cost per unit to be charged only to Revolving Fund or to Trust Fund.
• Janitorial Services and Security Services that are consolidated centrally by UPLB should not be included in the individual offices’ PPMP.
• Follow the correct naming convention when encoding in the University Information System (UIS):
1) PPMP 2019 Common PS-DBM, Fund Code, Unit/College for Common-Use Supplies (PS-DBM); and
2) PPMP 2018 Non-Catalog, Fund Code, Unit/College for Non-Catalog Request
For the preparation of the PPMP to be presented on your assigned schedule, please download the PPMP Excel File for Common-Use Supplies from PS-DBM, and for Non-Catalog Request.
For further inquiries, kindly contact Ms. Judith D. Unson of BAC-Secretariat at 544-0382 / 252-0251 or Mr. Eric Luis F. Cabrido of SPMO at 536-2282.
Thank you.