To interested parties, you can find the UPLB ADC-MV’s Invitation to a Public Auction (Bid No. UPLB-MV-D-001-21 for thirteen (13) lots of unserviceable scrap motor vehicles in the link below:
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Supply and Property Management Office
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration
To interested parties, you can find the UPLB ADC-MV’s Invitation to a Public Auction (Bid No. UPLB-MV-D-001-21 for thirteen (13) lots of unserviceable scrap motor vehicles in the link below:
To interested parties, you can find the UPLB Appraisal and Disposal Committee’s Invitation to a Public Auction (Bid No. UPLB-D-003-21 for one (1) head horse, and for one (1) head cattle) in the link below:
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 04 May 2021 (Tuesday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 15 April 2021 (Thursday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 06 April 2021 (Tuesday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 25 March 2021 (Thursday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 18 March 2021 (Thursday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 08 March 2021 (Monday):
To the concerned offices and units:
Below is the link to the List of Purchase Orders ready for release starting today, 01 March 2021 (Monday):
To interested parties, you can find the details of the UPLB Appraisal and Disposal Committee’s Invitation to a Public Auction with Bid No. UPLB-D-002-21 (Unserviceable Scrap Materials and Other Fixed Assets) in the link below: