To all participants of the 14th Orientation Seminar/Training on R&D Project Implementation and Management held at the Obdulia F. Sison Hall (formerly CEC-UPLB) on 11-12 February 2019, you may download here the materials presented by SPMO entitled Financial Management in Procurement, and Quick Guide in the Preparation of Purchase Request (PR), Purchase Order (PO) and other Related Documents.
Please download and read the updates on the UIS processes, specifically the PR and the PO preparation, which were provided by the UP ITDC. You may also want to visit their website for various UIS manuals (FMIS, HRIS, SPMIS, and even SAIS). The following link directs you to the UIS Manuals,
Thank you.
UPLB Guidelines in PO Preparation in the UIS:
UPLB Guidelines in PO Preparation in the UIS 365.54 KB
To all end-users who acquired laptop computer(s) for executives from the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM):
The Property Acknowledgment Receipt (PAR) must be prepared (with correct Serial Numbers; with correct Delivery Receipt Number and correct date), processed (signed by the Issuer and the Receiver with correct date of signing; signed by the Unit Head in the Concurrence field) and later on be submitted (submit 4 copies with the attached Delivery Receipt from PS-DBM) to the Property Management Section (PMS) of the Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO).
You may download the attached PAR (in Long Paper Size) below.
For units/offices with funds under Revolving Fund, Trust Fund, and General Fund with Approved Equipment Outlay, you may opt to procure your laptop computers (if included in your Project Procurement Management Plan or PPMP) from the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM). The current model of the laptop computer for executives is HP EliteBook x360 1030 G2.
If interested, kindly download the Agency Procurement Request (APR) and follow these procedures:
1) Accomplish the APR (Kindly fill-in the required information to replace the entries in the following fields: a) NAME AND ADDRESS OF REQUESTING AGENCY and TEL. NOS., and b) Signatories and their position for the fields, i) STOCKS REQUESTED ARE CERTIFIED TO BE WITHIN APPROVED PROGRAM, and ii) APPROVED).
2) Have the APR signed by the signatories of your unit/office.
3) Forward the APR to the Accounting Office (for Trust Fund) and/or to the Budget Management Office (for Revolving Fund and for General Fund with Approved Equipment Outlay) for processing.
Note: Documentary attachments to the APR are the following: The Budget Utilization Request and Status (for Revolving Fund) or the Obligation Request and Status (for General Fund with Approved Equipment Outlay); the Disbursement Voucher (DV) with Procurement Service as the Payee for all these documents; the Project Procurement Management Plan; and the Annual Procurement Plan (APP).
4) Once the DV is processed by the Accounting Office, forward the documents to the Cashier’s Office for processing.
5) Once processed, get the documents and the validated proof of payment thru LDDAP-ADA (which came from the Land Bank of the Philippines-UP Los Baños Branch) from the Cashier’s Office and have each document photocopied (2 copies).
6) Forward to the Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO) the whole document including the reproduced copies.
7) Coordinate with the concerned SPMO staff with regards to the scheduling of trips to PS-DBM for the processing of the documents and for the pick-up of the computers.
Kindly download and read the files related to the subject matter of OVCA Memorandum No. 01 Series of 2019: Inventory of Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, and other Property Plant and Equipment (PPE).
Image and specifications of the executive laptop computer (HP EliteBook x360 1030 G2) for Project MITHI 3.0 of the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM). This will be available soon on a per order basis at PS-DBM. You may download the file, EXECUTIVE-LAPTOPS-FOR-MITHI-3.0, for the complete specifications and image.
To all end-users who wants to acquire or who has pending request of MITHI Desktop Computer from the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM):
This is to inform you that the MITHI Desktop Computer, ACER Veriton M2640G, is already out of stock from the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM). According to them, the procurement of the MITHI Desktop Computer will then be subjected to another Competitive Bidding. Therefore, the specifications including the price per unit, and the brand and model of the said IT equipment may change. It is advised to wait for further announcement from SPMO regarding requests for the MITHI Desktop Computer from PS-DBM.
On the other hand, the MITHI Laptop Computers are still available at PS-DBM with unit price of Php 45,747.52. The current available brand and model of this laptop computer is HP Probook 450 G5. Kindly see earlier posts regarding its specifications, and the required documents connected to its acquisition and property accountability such as the Agency Procurement Request (APR) and the Property Acknowledge Receipt (PAR).
End-users who have any questions connected with this post, and those end-users with pending requests of the MITHI Desktop Computer (ACER Veriton M2640G) are advised to coordinate with the Central Storeroom Section (CSS) of SPMO at 536-2281.