To all units/offices who will prepare their Request for Quotation, please refer to the attached files related to the UPLB SPMO Supplier Registry (as of 04 July 2019) for the selection of prospective suppliers. If you have suppliers that are not included in the list, you are encouraged to inform them to register to UPLB SPMO.
To all units/offices who will prepare their PPMPs for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM), please refer to the attached List of Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM) for 2020. You need not submit this PPMP to UPLB SPMO, and this will not be presented during your scheduled PPMP presentation. This list will just serve as a reference for encoding your PPMP for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM) in the University Information System (UIS).
Thank you.
List of Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM) for 2020 37.34 KB
To all units/offices who will prepare their PPMPs for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM), and for Non-Common Use Items / Non-Catalog Request, please consider the following reminders:
A. Prepare separate PPMPs per fund per unit for:
1) Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM) per fund; and
2) Non-Common Use Items / Non-Catalog Request per fund
B. Items that do not require Purchase Request preparation and therefore should not be included in the PPMP are the following:
1) Travel Expenses (TEV)
2) Communication Expenses (landline telephone, and mobile post-paid plans)
3) Fuel Expenses (gasoline, diesel, etc. from UPLB Gas Station)
4) Utility Expenses (electricity and water)
5) Garbage Fee
6) Registration Fees including Vehicle Registration, and Registration Fees for Training, Conventions, Conferences, etc.
7) Insurance Expenses including GSIS Vehicle Insurance
8) Internet Subscription
9) Cable Expenses
10) Expenses for Individual Contract of Services (ICS)
C. Equipment Outlay items with Php15,000.00 and above cost per unit to be charged only to Revolving Fund or to Trust Fund.
D. Janitorial Services and Security Services that are consolidated centrally by UPLB should not be included in the individual offices’ PPMP.
E. Follow the correct naming convention when encoding in the University Information System (UIS):
1) PPMP 2019 Common PS-DBM, Fund Code, Unit/College for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (PS-DBM); and
2) PPMP 2018 Non-Catalog, Fund Code, Unit/College for Non-Common Use Items / Non-Catalog Request
For the preparation of the PPMP to be presented on your assigned schedule, please download the PPMP Excel File for Non-Common Use Items / Non-Catalog Request. You may also download OVCA MEMO NO. 20 – Deadline of submission of PPMP in preparation for FY 2020 Indicative APP.
For further inquiries, kindly contact Mr. Eric Luis F. Cabrido of SPMO at 536-2282.
To all concerned individuals, you may download the List of Registered Suppliers per Category as of December 2018. The list contains the names of suppliers who participated in last year’s procurement process of UPLB.
Thank you.
List of Registered Suppliers per Category as of December 2018 106.02 KB
Unserviceable UPLB properties and other scrap materials (Bid No. UPLB-D-003-19), and two (2) heads of horses (Bid No. UPLB-D-004-19) will be sold through public auction.
For details, kindly download the invitations to interested parties.
Thank you.
Invitation to a Public Auction (Bid No. UPLB-D-003-19) 1.54 MB
To all participants of the 14th Orientation Seminar/Training on R&D Project Implementation and Management held at the Obdulia F. Sison Hall (formerly CEC-UPLB) on 11-12 February 2019, you may download here the materials presented by SPMO entitled Financial Management in Procurement, and Quick Guide in the Preparation of Purchase Request (PR), Purchase Order (PO) and other Related Documents.
Please download and read the updates on the UIS processes, specifically the PR and the PO preparation, which were provided by the UP ITDC. You may also want to visit their website for various UIS manuals (FMIS, HRIS, SPMIS, and even SAIS). The following link directs you to the UIS Manuals,
Thank you.
UPLB Guidelines in PO Preparation in the UIS:
UPLB Guidelines in PO Preparation in the UIS 365.54 KB