Open Letter, Notes, and FAQs related to the Amendment and Submission of PPMPs

Good day!

Please follow these notes:

Old 2020 PPMP requisition number will be used for amendment. No more presentations for the amended PPMP will be done.

End-users need to revise their PPMP, and eventually, the APP needs to be amended. The end-user will be the one to assess their projects/programs/activities (PPA) that need to be deleted. This is to be done in coordination with your budget controller of the Budget Management Office (BMO). PPAs that will not push through anymore must be deleted from the PPMP. Also, do coordinate with the BAC-Sec for PRs that are already scheduled for the procurement process but need to be canceled.

Furthermore, kindly clarify these concerns with your budget controller of the BMO:

  1. 35% budget cut; and
  2. Van rental, catering services, lease of venue, and travel are to be deleted.

If there are activities that need to be deleted, then amendment of the PPMP must be done.

  • First, download the Excel file template for PPMP, 2020 PPMP Non-Catalog Request, from the SPMO website.
  • While at the SPMO website, download the Excel file with name 2020 PPMPs of Offices and Units under (your office or college) for reference of the items and the mode of procurement assigned by the BAC.
  • Then, prepare your amended PPMP using the Excel file template for PPMP, 2020 PPMP Non-Catalog Request, in consultation with your unit head who will approve your unit’s/office’s amended PPMP.
  • Amend your old 2020 PPMP requisition number in the UIS with your unit’s/office’s newly approved PPMP.
  • Submit your Amended PPMP and follow up for its approval in the UIS.
  • Once approved by the SPMO Head in the UIS, generate the Amended PPMP from the UIS, and have it signed by the one who prepared it, and by the unit head on the approval field.
  • Then, scan the signed Amended PPMP and save it as a PDF (Portable Document Format).
  • Lastly, send the approved Excel file and the PDF file of your unit/office PPMP to on or before 17 July 2020.

Once done with the PPMP submission, you can submit your new PRs starting from 17 July 2020 onwards until the quarterly cut-off period.

Thank you.

Disclaimer: Kindly disregard this message if you already did follow the same or similar procedure(s) as indicated above.

Other Notes

Regarding UIS need-by-date issue(s) for items requested from the previous quarter(s):

Workaround: Move your need-by-date to July 2020 (future date) even if the procurement for these items were already done (1st and/or 2nd quarter). The PPMP then that would be attached to your PO would be your old PPMP. Note that you still need to include these items in your PPMP amendment so that the APP would also be amended. You will need this amended APP for DV payment. Specific dates will not be indicated in the Amended APP.

Regarding PR preparation and submission:

Status of your submitted PPMP (Amended) can be viewed in your worklist on the UIS. Once your PPMP has been approved, you may prepare your PRs in the UIS, and then submit them to the BAC-Sec. Kindly ask the BAC-Sec if they prefer a soft copy of the PRs (printed, signed with approval, and scanned) or if they would require hard copies for submission.

Regarding the inclusion of COVID-19 Response Items: Revision of the PPMP can be done to accommodate items for COVID-19 response. Please be guided by the attached NPM No. 005-2020 from GPPB-TSO.


Question 1:

“Do I need to email my generated PPMP from UIS and scanned signed PPMP to SPMO?”


What you need to submit are the following documents: Excel file of Amended PPMP (previous 2020 PPMP template available at SPMO website), consulted with and approved by your unit head; and UIS generated Amended PPMP (using old PPMP requisition number), signed and approved by your unit head.

Question 2:

“If yes, may slight problem lamang po ako: Nagenerate ko na po kasi PPMP ko from UIS but unfortunately naka include pa don yung original ppmp ko together with the amended one kaya yung PPMP ko po ay consists of 2 PPMP numbers at syempre nag add up din po yung total. Ano po kaya dapat kong gawin?”


The old PPMP requisition number will be the one to be used for amendment. If a new PPMP requisition number was created for amendment, using the same fund code and responsibility center, then there would be a doubling of appropriation of your unit/office’s budget. The workaround is to delete the newly created PPMP requisition number, then work on the old PPMP requisition number.

Question 3:

“The situation po is that the person in-charge last year to encode the PPMP 2020 is currently on leave due to medical reasons. Our plan is for me to encode/put into UIS the PPMP of our office using my own UIS account. OK lang po ba ito?”


The old PPMP Requisition Number will be the one to be amended. This would mean that the old account used to encode the PPMP will also be the one who will amend it. If another account will be used, using the same fund code and responsibility center, then there would be a doubling of appropriation of your unit/office’s budget. The workaround is to borrow the account of the previous encoder.

Question 4:

“How about the method of procurement? Based po sa process, it seems na kami (end-users) and bahala mag-set ng method of procurement.”


Follow the previous mode of procurement which was previously assigned by the BAC for items under the same category. This could be seen in the Indicative APP for 2020. For COVID Response Items to be procured if requested, please be guided by the GPPB-TSO’s NPM No. 005-2020 from GPPB-TSO which is already posted on the SPMO website.



Re-opening of Offices (SPMO and BAC-Sec)

To all concerned units/offices:

The re-opening of offices, SPMO and BAC-Sec, will be tomorrow, 15 July 2020.

Please observe minimum health protocols (the proper wearing of appropriate face mask; physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6.56 feet); frequent washing of hands with soap and water, or sanitizing hands with at least 70% of isopropyl or ethyl alcohol; and submission to body temperature check, and filling-up of the correct and true information on the logbook before entering the office).

Thank you for bearing with us.

Stay safe and healthy, UPLB!

OVCA MEMO NO. 11 – Submission of Amended PPMP /APP and Assessment and Review of FY 2020 Procurement Projects

To all concerned offices/units:

Kindly download the OVCA MEMO NO. 11 – Submission of Amended Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) / Amended Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Assessment and Review of FY 2020 Procurement Projects for your reference. Also attached here is the National Budget Circular No. 580 dated 22 April 2020, and the GPPB Resolution No. 09-2020 dated 07 May 2020.

Thank you.


5th Batch of Units/Offices with RIS Form for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at SPMO

To all concerned offices/units:

In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central,  SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 5th Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:

  1. Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning (DCERP), CHE
  2. Department of Human and Family Development Studies (DHFDS), CHE
  3. Department of Social Development Services, (DSDS), CHE
  4. Institute of Human Nutrition and Food (IHNF), CHE
  5. Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CHE
  6. Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI), CHE
  7. Administrative Services (AS), CVM
  8. College of Veterinary Medicine Library (CVM Library)
  9. Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences (DBVS), CVM
  10. Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (DVCS), CVM
  11. Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences (DVPS), CVM
  12. Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CVM
  13. Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) CVM
  14. UP Professional School for Agriculture and the Environment (UP PSAE)
  15. Interactive Learning Center (ILC)
  16. Learning Resource Center (LRC)
  17. University Publications Office (UPO)
  18. Resource Generation and Development Office (RGDO)
  19. Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat (BAC Sec)

Access to RIS Forms:

From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 5 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 11 June 2020, Thursday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.

For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.

Thank you.

4th Batch of Units/Offices with RIS Form for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at SPMO

To all concerned offices/units:

In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central,  SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 4th Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:

  1. Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (DAME), CEM
  2. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (DAAE), CEM
  3. Department of Economics (DE), CEM
  4. Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED), CEM
  5. Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CEM
  6. Ancillary/Support Services (AS), CFNR
  7. College of Forestry and Natural Resources Library (CFNR Library)
  8. Department of Forest Biological Sciences (FBS), CFNR
  9. Department of Forest Products and Paper Science (FPPS), CFNR
  10. Forestry Development Center (FDC), CFNR
  11. Institute of Agroforestry (IAF), CFNR
  12. Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (IRNR), CFNR
  13. Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems (MCME), CFNR
  14. Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CFNR
  15. Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension and Linkages (OCREL), CFNR
  16. Training Center for Tropical Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability (TREES), CFNR
  17. Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies (CSPPS), CPAf
  18. Community Innovations Studies Center (CISC), CPAf
  19. Institute for Governance and Rural Development (IGRD), CPAf
  20. Knowledge Management Office (KMO), CPAf

Access to RIS Forms:

From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 4 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 10 June 2020, Wednesday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.

For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.

Thank you.