Kindly download the GPPB-TSO’s NPM 005-2020 Expiration of the Bayanihan Act (Re: Procurement of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Related Projects After the Expiration of Republic Act No. 11469 or the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act) dated 08 July 2020 for your reference and guidance.
Thank you.
NPM 005-2020 Expiration of the Bayanihan Act 326.76 KB
Kindly download the Supplies Pre-Order Form (For Covid-19 Response Items) to be submitted to Ms. Lea C. Gonzales through her email address,
Thank you.
Supplies Pre-Order Form (For Covid-19 Response Items) 115.68 KB
Kindly download the new SPCMIS Manual, Creation of Purchase Order for Emergency Procurement under R.A. No. 11469 or the Bayanihan Act, for your reference.
Thank you.
ITDC-SPCMIS-UM-Creation of Emergency Purchase –06 May 2020 (ver.1.0) 2.98 MB
Kindly download the OVCA MEMO NO. 11 – Submission of Amended Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) / Amended Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Assessment and Review of FY 2020 Procurement Projects for your reference. Also attached here is the National Budget Circular No. 580 dated 22 April 2020, and the GPPB Resolution No. 09-2020 dated 07 May 2020.
Thank you.
OVCA MEMO NO. 11 - Submission of Amended PPMP / APP and Assessment and Review of FY 2020 Procurement Projects 1.09 MB
Below is the new Annual Procurement Plan – (Early Procurement Activity) template from the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB). You may also visit the link for this template and other GPPB forms here:
In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central, SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 5th Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:
Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning (DCERP), CHE
Department of Human and Family Development Studies (DHFDS), CHE
Department of Social Development Services, (DSDS), CHE
Institute of Human Nutrition and Food (IHNF), CHE
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CHE
Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI), CHE
Administrative Services (AS), CVM
College of Veterinary Medicine Library (CVM Library)
Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences (DBVS), CVM
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (DVCS), CVM
Department of Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences (DVPS), CVM
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CVM
Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) CVM
UP Professional School for Agriculture and the Environment (UP PSAE)
Interactive Learning Center (ILC)
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
University Publications Office (UPO)
Resource Generation and Development Office (RGDO)
Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat (BAC Sec)
Access to RIS Forms:
From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 5 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 11 June 2020, Thursday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.
For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.
In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central, SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 4th Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:
Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (DAME), CEM
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (DAAE), CEM
Department of Economics (DE), CEM
Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED), CEM
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CEM
Ancillary/Support Services (AS), CFNR
College of Forestry and Natural Resources Library (CFNR Library)
Department of Forest Biological Sciences (FBS), CFNR
Department of Forest Products and Paper Science (FPPS), CFNR
Forestry Development Center (FDC), CFNR
Institute of Agroforestry (IAF), CFNR
Institute of Renewable Natural Resources (IRNR), CFNR
Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems (MCME), CFNR
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CFNR
Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension and Linkages (OCREL), CFNR
Training Center for Tropical Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability (TREES), CFNR
Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies (CSPPS), CPAf
Community Innovations Studies Center (CISC), CPAf
Institute for Governance and Rural Development (IGRD), CPAf
Knowledge Management Office (KMO), CPAf
Access to RIS Forms:
From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 4 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 10 June 2020, Wednesday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.
For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.
In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central, SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 3rd Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:
Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
UP Rural High School (UPRHS)
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CAS
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CAFS
UPLB Limnological Research Station
Department of Development Broadcasting and Telecommunication (DDBT), CDC
Department of Development Journalism (DDJ), CDC
Department of Educational Communication (DEC), CDC
Department of Science Communication (DSC), CDC
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CDC
Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC), CEAT
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology Library (CEAT Library)
Center of Agri-Fisheries and Biosystems Mechanization (BIOMECH), CEAT
Department of Chemical Engineering (DChE), CEAT
Department of Civil Engineering (DCE), CEAT
Department of Engineering Sciences (DES), CEAT
Department of Industrial Engineering (DIE ), CEAT
Institute of Agricultural Engineering (IAE), CEAT
Office of the College Secretary (OCS), CEAT
College of Economics and Management Library (CEM Library)
Access to RIS Forms:
From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 3 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 09 June 2020, Tuesday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.
For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.
In response to OC Memo No. 093 s. 2020 (Guidelines for the Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central, SPMO), the following units/offices were included in the 2nd Batch of Units/Offices with Requisition and Issue Slip Form (RIS Form) for the withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items:
Museum of Natural History (MNH)
Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (OICA)
UPLB Gender Center
Agricultural System Institute (ASI)
Central Experiment Station (CES)
Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI)
Institute of Animal Science (IAS)
Institute of Crop Science (ICropS)
Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST)
Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology (IWEP)
La Granja Research and Training Station (LGRTS)
Philippine Agricultural Scientist (PAS)
Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center (PHTRC)
Department of Human Kinetics (DHK)
Department of Humanities (DHUM)
Department of Social Sciences (DSS)
Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS)
Institute of Chemistry (IC)
Institute of Computer Science (ICS)
Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (IMSP)
Access to RIS Forms:
From the SPMO website menu click/select COVID-19 Response Items. Then under the List of Offices/Units with RIS Form for COVID-19 Response Items, click/select the link for Batch 2 (scheduled pick-up or drop-off: 08 June 2020, Monday). Finally, download the RIS Form (in MS Excel format) for your office/unit.
For other instructions, notes, and reminders on the Inventory Custodian Slip Form (ICS Form), please refer to the previous post, Withdrawal of COVID-19 Response Items at the UPLB Central Storeroom, SPMO, dated 4 June 2020.