To all concerned end-user units/offices:
Kindly download and read the OVCA MEMO #33-Guidelines for the Conduct of Early Procurement Activities for the FY 2019 National Expenditure Program (NEP) in compliance to DBM Circular 2018-8.
Thank you.
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Supply and Property Management Office
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration
To all concerned end-user units/offices:
Kindly download and read the OVCA MEMO #33-Guidelines for the Conduct of Early Procurement Activities for the FY 2019 National Expenditure Program (NEP) in compliance to DBM Circular 2018-8.
Thank you.
Unserviceable UPLB properties will be sold through public auction.
For details, kindly download the invitation to interested parties.
Thank you.
To all end-users who presented their PPMPs on 19 July 2018 (a.m.), kindly download your PPMPs below.
Thank you.
To all end-users who presented their PPMPs on 18 July 2018 (p.m.), kindly download your PPMPs below.
Thank you.
To all end-users who presented their PPMPs on 18 July 2018 (a.m.), kindly download your PPMPs below.
Thank you.
To all end-users, you may download the presentation material used at the End-Users’ Forum dated 17 July 2018: Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) for Fiscal Year 2019.
Thank you.
To all units/offices who will present their PPMPs (Non-Catalog Request), please download the attached file, SCHEDULE of PPMP PRESENTATION, for your reference.
Thank you.
To all units/offices who will prepare their PPMP (Non-Catalog Request), please download the file, SPECIFICATIONS OF TONERS & INKS, for your reference.
Also, here is a copy of OVCA MEMO #29-Submission of PPMP FOR FY 2019 APP:
Thank you.
To all units/offices who will prepare their PPMPs for Common-Use Supplies from PS-DBM, and for Non-Catalog Request, please consider the following reminders:
• Prepare separate PPMPs per fund per unit for:
1) Common-Use Supplies (PS-DBM) per fund; and
2) Non-Catalog Request per fund
• Items that does not require Purchase Request preparation and therefore should not be included in the PPMP are the following:
1) Travel Expenses (TEV)
2) Communication Expenses (landline telephone, and mobile post-paid plans)
3) Fuel Expenses (gasoline, diesel, etc.)
4) Utility Expenses (electricity and water)
5) Garbage Fee
6) Registration Fees including Vehicle Registration, and Registration Fees for Trainings, Conventions, Conferences, etc.
7) Insurance Expenses including GSIS Vehicle Insurance
8) Internet Subscription
9) Cable Expenses
10) Expenses for Individual Contract of Services (ICS)
• Equipment Outlay items with Php15,000.00 and above cost per unit to be charged only to Revolving Fund or to Trust Fund.
• Janitorial Services and Security Services that are consolidated centrally by UPLB should not be included in the individual offices’ PPMP.
• Follow the correct naming convention when encoding in the University Information System (UIS):
1) PPMP 2019 Common PS-DBM, Fund Code, Unit/College for Common-Use Supplies (PS-DBM); and
2) PPMP 2018 Non-Catalog, Fund Code, Unit/College for Non-Catalog Request
For the preparation of the PPMP to be presented on your assigned schedule, please download the PPMP Excel File for Common-Use Supplies from PS-DBM, and for Non-Catalog Request.
For further inquiries, kindly contact Ms. Judith D. Unson of BAC-Secretariat at 544-0382 / 252-0251 or Mr. Eric Luis F. Cabrido of SPMO at 536-2282.
Thank you.