

The University of the Philippines is envisioned as the national university, a public and secular institution of higher learning, and a community of scholars dedicated to the search for truth and knowledge as well as the development of future leaders.


  1. Lead in setting academic standards and initiating innovations in Teaching, Research and Faculty Development in Philosophy, the Arts and Humanities, the Social Sciences, the Professions and Engineering, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Technology; and maintain Centers of Excellence in such disciplines and professions;
  2. Serve as a graduate university by providing advanced studies and specialization for scholars, scientists, writers, artists, and professionals, especially those who serve on the faculty of state and private colleges and universities;
  3. Serve as a research university in various fields of expertise and specialization by conducting basic and applied research and development, and promoting research in various colleges and universities, and contributing to the dissemination and application of knowledge;
  4. Lead as a public service university by providing various forms of community, public, and volunteer service, as well as scholarly and technical assistance to the government, the private sector, and civil society while maintaining its standards of excellence;
  5. Protect and promote the professional and economic rights and welfare of its academic and non-academic personnel;
  6. Provide opportunities for training and learning in leadership, responsible citizenship, and the development of democratic values, institutions and practice through academic and non-academic programs, including sports and the enhancement of nationalism and national identity;
  7. Serve as a regional and global university in cooperation with international and scientific unions, networks of universities, scholarly and professional associations in the Asia – Pacific region and around the world; and
  8. Provide democratic governance in the university based on collegiality, representation, accountability, transparency, and active participation of its constituents and promote the holding of fora for students, faculty, research, extension, and professional staff (REPS), administrative staff and alumni to discuss non-academic issues affecting the university.


The SPMO operates under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Administration.  And as per Section 48 of Executive Order No. 99-2: Reorganization of the Administration of the University of the Philippines Los Baños in1997, issued by then-President Emil Q. Javier on 12 July 1999, the Supply and Property Management Office shall perform the following functions:

  1. To procure and issue supplies, materials, and equipment, subject to University and government policies, rules, and procedures on the bidding and acquisition of supplies, materials, and equipment;
  2. To maintain the control inventory records of properties;
  3. To effect a systematic and coordinated transfer of supplies, equipment, and materials from one person/unit to another, including preparation and processing of documents required for such transaction;
  4. To sell or dispose of supplies, materials, and equipment which are obsolete, condemned or surplus, subject to approval by appropriate University authorities;
  5. To conduct biddings for the disposition of disposable property and develop standards and criteria for determining their utility;
  6. To administer and provide supply and property management services to all units of UPLB;
  7. To coordinate, perform or assign to other competent units, the purchasing, storage, standardization of specifications, property, utilization, disposition, and accountability insofar as these will be consistent with effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and service; and
  8. To perform such other functions as the Chancellor or other University authorities may assign.



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